2023 Index Survey Results

We compiled 6 stats that we thought were most interesting!

do NOT have a solid list of prospects
do not create and post engaging content

not on target to hit sales goal in 2023


agree that sales people spend 66% of their time on administrative tasks.


agree that it takes at least 8 touches to make a sale


indicate their elevator pitch does not align with their business card, website, or LinkedIn profile

What does all of this mean?

There is a gap in consistency and follow up. It means sales pipelines become bare. It means CRM’s are getting inflated or inaccurate data due to sales reps putting false projections in to meet growth plans.

What can you do?

Do you have the right sales contributors that have the right sales prospecting habits that are consistent and strategic?

Do you have the right tools in place to help your sales contributors spend more time on sales prospecting efforts?

Should you consider a 3rd party to outsource your prospecting efforts?

About RainmakerDots

Gordon Ho is the Founder of RainmakerDots, a sales/marketing software company with a patent-pending platform that generates high value leads through LinkedIn. He’s also a best selling author, speaker, and consults/trains on sales and marketing strategies that lead to business growth. He combines midwestern work ethics while leveraging automation, artificial intelligence, and strategy to get the desired outcomes.